Monday, March 17, 2014

Information Reflection

8. In the Introductory Post of my blog I asked the question of what was going on through a criminals mind before he/she committed a violent crime.  Through out my research I feel as though I can form a theory to the answer of this question.  In my research there appears to be a pattern.  Normally, people from bad areas or people who had troubled child hoods seem to be the majority of offenders in violent crimes.  Of course, there are exceptions such as the Columbine Shooting who involved two young boys who seemed to have friends and loving families.  In a way, I discovered that it is nearly impossible to know exactly what is going on through a person's head that causes them to commit violent crimes.  Sometimes people are able to convince themselves that committing a crime  is the right thing to do, while other times people are able to commit acts of violence without any remorse.  I wish I could find a simple explanation to my research question, but unfortunately the answer is too complex to understand.

Overall, studying violent crimes and all different types of them was very interesting and fascinating to learn about.  I will never agree with any form of violence no matter the situation, but learning about it assisted in understanding why violence exists today.  I am lead to believe, based on my research, that violence in unexplainable.  Yes, there are factors such as where a person grew up and how they were raised that could be the explanation for violence, but other than that why do certain people snap randomly?

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