Sunday, March 2, 2014

Does Media Violence Lead to Real Violence?

Does Media Violence Lead to the Real Thing?

6. The theory about whether or not people are influenced by violence in movies, television shows and even the news is very controversial and there is not much evidence to back up this theory. This article discusses if the theory is true or false.  Jim Carrey, the star of a movie that contained a lot of violence distanced himself from the film during the time of the Sandy Hook tragedy. He did not want to be associated with violence in film, while there was actual violence occurring outside of the media. People are finding it difficult to prove that there is a link between violence in film and violence in reality. This issue is not usually addressed because is could be fought with freedom of speech and constitutional rights.

In my opinion, media has nothing to do with the violence that takes place in our society. If it did, people would consider how the movies end for the people that behave violently. If anything, television shows like Law and Order, which I discussed earlier in my blog, should prevent people from committing crimes. In the end of the Law and Order episode that I posted, the criminal is given the death penalty for his actions, and if forced to give his life in return for what he did. Shows with endings like that should be a red flag for people saying that nothing good comes out of violence. Other people believe that by watching violence on television and on the news can influence a person to believe that being violent is okay and acceptable. I think that every human being is capable of violence, but they only act on it if they chose too, not if the media influenced them or not.

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