Sunday, April 6, 2014

Strategy For Research

9. My topic is violent crimes and the goal of my research was originally to figure out a criminal's reasoning for committing a violent crime.  Now I am interested in the opinions of people who are not criminals.  How do they feel about punishing criminals?  Does putting them in jail or punishing them severely make normal people feel safer? In order to figure out how criminals feel when committing crimes, it is important to understand how people who would never commit crimes feel about it. So for my strategy I am going to use a survey to see people's opinions on the "Three Strikes" laws.  I plan on using an online survey to accomplish this.  At first I am going to ask if they know what it is and after that question I am going to give a brief description of it for the people who do not know.  I am going to then give the person a scenario involving a criminal and then ask a series of questions that follow the "Three Strikes Laws" to figure out if the person does agree or does not agree with "Three Strikes Laws".  After I finish surveying people, I am going to organize why people would agree with the law and for what reasons they do not.  The goal of this survey is ultimately to figure out what reasons would push a person into siding with severe punishment for criminals, or what reasons would turn a person against it.

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