Saturday, March 8, 2014

Gun's Contribution To Violent Crimes

7. In this post I want to discuss a topic that keeps occurring and is a constant problem everywhere: guns.  Some people claim that shootings occur because the person holding the gun is mentally unstable, while others say shootings would not be a problem if guns were illegal.  In my opinion both sides are correct. People who have the ability to pick up a gun and shoot are mentally unstable, but if they did not have access to the guns would these problems keep occurring? One of the most famous school shootings took place at Columbine High School in Colorado.  Two boys who seemed normal and happy did the unspeakable.  They brought guns into the high school and shot a total of 12 students and 1 teacher.  Some say that the two boys were deranged, which in my opinion anyone who can murder their peers is, while others argue that if they did not have access to guns the situation would not have occurred.

The image above is life footage of the boys in the school cafeteria holding guns while their classmates hide under the tables.  I have trouble looking at this picture because of how tragic this incident was.  Violence is not only for people who live in bad areas, had rough childhoods or are adults.  Anyone can commit acts of violence no matter their age or situation.  In my opinion guns should not be legal and in schools (middle schools, high schools, colleges, etc.) there should be more counseling and guidance meetings available to students.  If these two boys did not have access to guns and had the support of a guidance counselor or therapist that was offered by the school, maybe the tragedy at Columbine never would have happened.

In my opinion, guns go against peace and the ending of violence everywhere.  The estimated number of guns owned in the United States is 270,000,000 to 310,000,000.  It can be assumed that not all millions of people who own guns are owning them for good and innocent reasons.  As hard as it is to believe, people can be evil.  By having access to guns, evil people can easily commit violent crimes without much thought.  If guns were not accessible or legal, there would definitely be no school shootings occurring for sure.  With the amount of gun related violence occurring in the US today, I personally think that everyone should be against guns. People who support guns claim that guns don't kill people; people kill people, but without a gun I believe that the amount of violent crimes committed would be reduced intensely.

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