Monday, February 3, 2014

Criminal Defense Attorney's View On A Case

Criminal Defense Attorney On Fox News

3. In this video, a reporter interviews attorneys about their thoughts on the popular Trayvon Martin case. Trayvon Martin was only seventeen when he allegedly attacked George Zimmerman, and was shot to death. A major factor in this case was race, Martin was African American while Zimmerman was white. There were many different opinions on whether or not George Zimmerman had the right to shoot him. Was it actually self defense, or just hateful murder? David Schwartz is an attorney interviewed on Fox news, and he reveals some inside information about the case. He talks about the judge and his personal opinion on how the case is going so far. Schwartz personally believes that the judge is not prejudice and that Zimmerman does not appear to be racist or have anything against Martin. He claims that Martin attacked him and gave him no other choice but to defend himself by killing him. Another attorney is featured during the segment named Kirsten Wilson and she completely eliminates the idea that Zimmerman was indeed racist. She talks about different witnesses and the inconsistency of information about what happened the night Martin was killed. Wilson also discusses about how much information was leaked and that eye witnesses are not always trustworthy.

I thought this video was very interesting because it gave a lot of inside information on a popular case. The Trayvon Martin case was debated and talked about through out the country, and people had many different opinions and theories about what actually happened the night he was killed. The one thing that really stuck out at me was the Zimmerman was carrying a gun. I always wondered why he was and why he felt it was necessary. It is scary that people in our society do not feel safe and count on a nonliving object to protect them from the horrors of violence. People do crazy things when they are scared or feel vulnerable. There are two sides to Zimmerman's case, either he killed Martin out of racism and hate or he killed Martin out of fear and self defense. This is one of the most controversial cases and it is almost impossible for people who are not connected to the case to figure out the real story. It is tragic that people rely on guns and violence to protect them, and it is frightening that there are cases like these going on in the lives of people like us.

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