Monday, January 27, 2014

Crime In Society Today

2. When I came across this website I found it to be very interesting to me and very relatable to my topic, Violent Crimes. Community Violence is only one example of the many different types of violence that take place in society today. There is violence everywhere not just in poor neighborhoods, but I find it interesting to read about the thoughts of people who fear violence and have witnessed it numerous times in their lives. The website gives you direct quotes from parents/adults living in dangerous neighborhoods and quotes from children living in these conditions. The website also informs you about Community Violence and what it is exactly. It gives a summary of what we can do as individuals to stop community violence and make every area a safe one. 

"Out there is a jungle; innocent people get killed." This quote was said by an adult living in a dangerous neighborhood. It scares me because some people do not even feel safe in their own homes and have fear constantly lingering in their minds. This website is amazing and definitely a step in the right direction to ending Community Violence for good. But in my opinion it is going to take a lot more than a website to end it. The direct quotes are very touching and made me even more interested in the topic than before. It scares me that children and teenagers my age are witnessing these violent acts. I can not even imagine how scary it must be to grow up in a dangerous neighborhood. It interests me to read about the bystanders in the situation and their view on Community Violence. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


1. My name is Kathryn DeSernia and my blog is about Violent Crimes and the impact they have on our society. I chose this topic because I personally am against violence, but I would like to try and understand the logic and reasoning going through people's minds before they commit violent acts.